17 March 2010

Londoff - first post

A new idea for some silly cartoons: a parallel London where everything is slightly off. Hence the title: Londoff. I start with one of the most recognisable sights from the city’s skyline: the BT tower. But here it’s become the...

And the second one might not be very familiar to people living outside London, but the Wolseley is one of the city’s big institutions: a restaurant not as internationally famous as the Ritz or the Claridge’s, but just as dear to Londoners’ hearts. And here its name is spellt just as it’s pronounced:

And yes, you might have noticed that these aren’t computer-generated images but very humble freehand sketches. Well, sometimes a guy just feels like changing his medium...

1 March 2010

Literary Bestiary - chapter V

To be honest, I’ve never got the point of misery memoirs. Why reading something depressing? Is it because by comparison your own life will seem much better? Won’t work for me...
Anyhoo, here is the best-selling feline one in our Literary Bestiary chart.